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Tag: hospitality

Uzbekistan, a country in between past and future

Uzbekistan, a country in between past and future

After rushing through Turkmenistan, the first feeling when we crossed the border into Uzbekistan was: relax! Less kilometers and the time for a cold beer, as a kind of a reward. The more we travel East the less we know about the countries we are cycling through: on the good side, this gives us fresh eyes to look at what we see and experience. We like to talk to the people we meet, ask them questions and learn about the…

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Turkish sketches (of hospitality and letting go, a lot of çay and gratitude)

Turkish sketches (of hospitality and letting go, a lot of çay and gratitude)

Entering Turkey meant a new stage in our journey, not just because we left Europe for Asia, the continent we’ll be cycling for the months to come. Sure, Europe – even in its Balkan way – is familiar to us whereas Turkey is new. But there’s more. First: hospitality. We had been told about but we weren’t expecting what we’ve found: Turkish people are welcoming and warm and helpful beyond imagination. And second: letting go (or how our minds changed…

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