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Posts in English

Sonic hacking. On lo-fi, critique through practice and fugitive ways out of capitalism

Sonic hacking. On lo-fi, critique through practice and fugitive ways out of capitalism

This is a story about music, hacking and anti-capitalism. But it is also the exact moment when sounds and words and ideas resonate in so many ways at the same time that it becomes almost impossible to organise thoughts in the form of writing. These words should be simultaneous sounds. I have been constantly crashing against the limits of language for a long time. I need something more sensible, something that can physically touch, far beyond the ambiguity and the…

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Here’s why I don’t use Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and why you shouldn’t either (especially now, in 2025)

Here’s why I don’t use Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and why you shouldn’t either (especially now, in 2025)

Since I deleted my Whatsapp profile a few years ago (the only profile left of myself on Meta evil empire) I keep getting glared at, teased or scolded by friends and acquaintances. This doesn’t bother me much because it was expected. But there are two things that do bother me, a lot. The first one is that when it comes to digital technologies, even most of the politically engaged people who are attentive to critical consumption and ethical choices in…

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I have made a record, it’s called “la matière même du temps” and it’s out now!

I have made a record, it’s called “la matière même du temps” and it’s out now!

If you have been following me for some time, you probably know that I like to play with sounds and voices: I have been a drummer, I created, hosted and produced radio shows, podcasts and other audio projects. In 2022 I got myself a drum machine, I played with it in my spare time (which was very little in the last years, unfortunately), created sounds, songs, experiments… and, finally, an actual record, which is out today on Bandcamp! You can…

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[Publication] Hacking the Disease: Salvatore Iaconesi’s Sense-Making Quest for an Open-Source Cure for Cancer

[Publication] Hacking the Disease: Salvatore Iaconesi’s Sense-Making Quest for an Open-Source Cure for Cancer

The volume 3 n. 2 (2024) of the academic journal Re:visit – Humanities and Medicine in Dialogue has just been published. Based at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, the journal participates in the international debate within Medical Humanities, with articles in German and English. In this last volume, edited by Katharina Fürholzer, Julia Pröll and Maria Heidegger, you can find my article “Hacking the Disease: Salvatore Iaconesi’s Sense-Making Quest for an Open-Source Cure for Cancer“. The article focuses on…

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[Publication] Critical Digital Humanities: text, code and algorithms

[Publication] Critical Digital Humanities: text, code and algorithms

The timing of the academia, it is known, can be really long and sometimes things just get stuck. I forgot about this article for a long time, then in the last days I remembered it. It is the updated version of a paper I presented at a conference in april 2021 (actually, it was my first conference as a doctoral candidate) and I thought it was useless in a folder on my laptop so I published it on Zenodo. Now…

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[Publication] Caché derrière les écrans : le littéraire entre l’humain et la machine

[Publication] Caché derrière les écrans : le littéraire entre l’humain et la machine

Le numéro 62 (2024) de la revue Lingue e Linguaggi vient de paraître aux éditions ESE – Salento University Publishing, sous la direction de Ilaria Cennamo (Università degli Studi di Torino), Fabio Libasci (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria) et Silvia Modena (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia). Les directeurs présentent ainsi la publication dans l’introduction: nous souhaitons prendre en compte plusieurs genres de discours (littéraire, institutionnel, politique, médiatique, sportif) dans l’intérêt d’étudier les transformations déterminées par le médium du…

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Two years as a maître de langue: on my first experience as a university professor

Two years as a maître de langue: on my first experience as a university professor

Now that my contract as maître de langue at Avignon Université is (practically) over, I would like to put down some reflections on these two years of teaching, which were my first experience as a university professor. Actually, I would have wanted (should have?) to write these lines right after the end of the courses, on the fly, but the work on the dissertation has – rightly – taken priority. The advantage is that now the writing of the thesis…

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Weaponizing copyright: police tactics, social media platforms and the shrinking freedom in post-democracies

Weaponizing copyright: police tactics, social media platforms and the shrinking freedom in post-democracies

A few days ago, on Mastodon, I stumbled upon a toot with a link to a Vice article that was about Beverly Hills police playing music on their phones during protests, seemingly in an effort to trigger copyright filters of social platforms. In this case, the goal they were likely aiming to was to have Instagram block the live stream of journalist and activist Sennett Devermont. What’s reported by Vice article is not the first episode of this kind of…

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“Language as a virus”: why we need a “lexicon for this pandemic”

“Language as a virus”: why we need a “lexicon for this pandemic”

(…) Language is the very condition of the possibility of naming justice.  It is the core of political existence. By the same token, language may be the very condition for concealing, masking, and imposing injustice. Language may itself become a form of tyranny, or the way to sanction a tyrannical political system at least. (…) A virus is a biological entity, but language itself can be infected by the virus of double speak, misinformation, and obfuscation. Language itself can become…

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“A recipe for disaster”: the business of anxiety in times of pandemic

“A recipe for disaster”: the business of anxiety in times of pandemic

Il n’existe plus de sphère de l’existence contemporaine qui n’ait point fait l’objet d’une pénétration par le capital. […] Tout étant devenu une source potentielle de capitalisation, le capital s’est fait monde, un fait hallucinatoire de dimensione planétaire, producteur, sur un échelle élargie, de sujets à la fois calculateurs, fictionnels et délirants. Le capital s’étant fait chair, tout est devenu une fonction du capital, l’intériorité y compris. Achille Mbembe, Brutalisme, La Découverte, Paris, 2020 I was reading an article on…

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