Questions and climbs
We entered Montenegro from Serbia a couple of days ago and – no matter how much we struggle on the climbs – this country is just stunning. Mountains and mountains and mountains as far as you can see, covered with the intense october sunlight and the changing autumn colours. On the secondary roads we try to take most of the time just us, cows, sheeps and the surrounding landscapes.
We are finding a new rhythm: less kilometers for each day of riding – mainly because of the climbing but also to enjoy more the places we are passing through -, just pointing a direction without the need to reach a destination, finding a nice spot for the tent and stop there. Well, we camp every second day, actually, mainly because of our tent issues (we need time to dry it after sleeping in it) and also because of a little stomach-ache that affects me (nothing serious, but I had my Dumoulin moment on the road!).
Measures. Limits. The body and the mind. We are confronted with something new, that changes everyday. We look at more experienced bike travelers and sometimes the question arises: are we doing it the right way? And then, is there a right way to do it? Now that we are on the road, what are we looking for? How can we get rid of the expectations that still try to take a place in our mind? We keep pedaling this questions away to find our answers.